
#AI Blog Protoype 1 Protoype 2


Hashtag AI (#AI) is a startup that combines recent advances in Generative AI (GenAI) with knowledge representation and reasoning (KR²) to provide users with powerful tools to integrate data and answer questions without the need for custom apps or coding knowledge.

Partner with us

We're looking to partner with innovative organisations who need AI tools that can reliably answer questions based on their data and explain the reasoning. Data doesn't just include spreadsheets and databases, it could be unstructured information that needs to be extracted from text documents or websites.

If this sounds like you, please reach out to Anj Simmons to set up an initial discussion: anj@simmons.ai



Prototype 2 Released

Prototype 2 Screenshot

Prototype 2 introduces the idea that users should be able to use Hashtag AI to both find and share knowledge.

Test Prototype 2

Prototype 1 Released

Prototype 1 Screenshot

Initial prototype showing the idea of using GenAI to formalise the user's question as a mathematical problem and then reasoning over a knowledge base to arrive at a conclusion.

Test Prototype 1

Hashtag AI Founded

Anj Simmons leaves academia and dedicates her efforts full-time to Hashtag AI.